#17678 - Gen 8

Color: chestnut (6%)

Created Nov. 30, 2017, 3:47 p.m.

Mahalo! I'm Mousse 🐱 duck. All you need to know about me is I hate wet food with a passion. It wasn't heavily publicized, but I once had a brief relationship with Felix the Cat. Can you make my preposterous dreams come true?


Date Amount txhash
Dec. 8, 2017, 3:41 p.m. 0.08000000000000000000 ETH 0x92e6ed5c99a1f19297f1afe5fa399ef51fa8c95dea40b2c282a34391c1789610
Dec. 4, 2017, 7:26 a.m. 0.20000000000000000000 ETH 0x2740daf87de54acc05eee44300ac7d49ce273b7b340e2afe80be36675fc47c79
Dec. 1, 2017, 9:15 p.m. 0.11218098895833333300 ETH 0x8d57469f2223b34151c3c9af67367a6b6e10dd3d4677511ad7c16a3ed8c0cda2
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