#1683670 - Gen 18

Color: mintgreen (9%)

Created Aug. 26, 2019, 9:48 p.m.

*Ribbit* Greetings, peasant, I am the Kitty Formerly Known as Prince. Oh, please, no need to bow, unless you insist... No? Very well. I was once renowned for my wonderful whiskers, erudite ears, and sublime snout. I WILL find the sorcerer who cursed me and enact revenge... seen any Kitty wizards around here?


Date Amount txhash
Sept. 27, 2019, 7:53 p.m. 0.06000000000000000000 ETH 0x5e6dadf1d70b0789d9ca163492a9f77eea87f3f4ae4dff14f2660a78e48840c8
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