#1603935 - Gen 17

Color: cyan (8%)

Created May 29, 2019, 9:04 p.m.

Greetings! I am Curdlin, the most fermented... err, feared Kitty wizard in Catelot. Well, since Raspoutine, at least. I curdle my enemies and cuddle my loved ones. I'm quite fondue you, so if you’re feta up with your old life, join me, and we’ll have a gouda time together.


Date Amount txhash
Feb. 16, 2020, 10:06 p.m. 0.00635204181236866700 ETH 0x052432fc6a2abf1c94843400e779e0499bf3caaf40a720fae4ab0c8f60a0d45c
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