#1527196 - Gen 6

Color: olive (4%)

Created April 15, 2019, 6:26 p.m.

Avast ye! I'm the dread pirate Furbeard, and I'll most likely scratch you in the morning. This Old Salt knows a few tricks: how to avoid a meowtiny, how to get out of swabbing the litter deck, and just where the captain's log is buried. Beware the Krakitten in the briny deep. Or is that Pickles?


Date Amount txhash
April 17, 2019, 4:48 a.m. 0.15329115300809174500 ETH 0x037dd41c9be8ba2787d995aeba48014d149188adc987dddfc160723ddc3623be
April 15, 2019, 7:04 p.m. 0.19900000000000000000 ETH 0x458f857ed4a5fb21430cd98bee6a666fa3366caf181b76986bbc76c6dbe87430
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