#1350292 - Gen 7

Color: thundergrey (7%)

Created Jan. 20, 2019, 12:08 a.m.

I'm Pawrula The Bright, and I’m on a mission to bridge the distance between academia and industry, so we can all do for value what the internet did for information. Like a cat walking on a keyboard, we'll be an unstoppable force — a collective pushing the whole forward. Sometimes I feel like a crusader leading the charge, but other times I feel like a nap in the sunshine, so there's a lot going on.


Date Amount txhash
Jan. 20, 2019, 7:09 a.m. 0.04490368384320901600 ETH 0x8f0e0f77b705858887f7398e18be04295521e7e1f92d09e380fd6021aea30b63
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